NLK newly applies the uniform title according to the global bibliographic standards.

  • Writer Yeongjo Yun
  • Date 2022-05-13
  • Views 229

Uniform title application for transition to the next-generation bibliographic data framework

The uniform title is one way to express intellectual aspects of books in traditional cataloging, and is also regarded as a key element for distinguishing the works themselves.
However, there are few cataloging rules and practices of the uniform titles in Korean libraries.

One of the best advantages of authority control with a uniform title is that we can create a bibliographic data with a Library Reference Model (LRM) that suits our patrons’ needs. Moreover, it is easier to identify and collocate its expressions and manifestations in many different kinds them of the same work. Moreover, the authority control by uniform titles is essential for a transition to the next-generation bibliographic structure based on semantic web such as BIBFRAME (BIBliographic FRAMEwork). Once accomplished, it will be possible to share authority data of works and expressions among libraries.

The National Library of Korea has been applying the uniform title for translation books since this year. In this regard an issue report was published last April. The report is aimed at introducing how the National Library of Korea has adopted uniform titles. Furthermore it is about developing a manual and a system regarding of the authority data management. It points out the best examples of unified titles in existing catalogs and proposes the ideal user interface for the library automation system for authority control.

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