2023 |
- Bibliographic survey on 511 titles 2,622 books including 『Daedonggeumseokseomok(大東金石書目)』 of the Harvard-Yenching Library
- 33 titles 75 books including 今西文庫 『Eojebihangjeon(御製秘藏詮)』 of the Tenri Central Library
- 26 titles 122 books including 『Akhakgwebeom(樂學軌範)』 of Nagoyashi Hosa Bunko (蓬左文庫)
- 23 titles 144 books including 『Joseondo(朝鮮圖)』 of the National Archives of Japan
- 13 titles 27 books including 『Beoncheonmunjip(樊川文集)』 of the Ishikawa Takeyoshi Memorial Library Seonggwedangmungo(石川武美記念圖書館成簣堂文庫, Seikido Bunko)
2022 |
US |
- Bibliographic survey on 383 titles 1,045 books including 『Gosanyugo(孤山遺稿)』 held by the University of Washington Libraries
2019 |
US China |
- Bibliographic survey on 603 titles 2,231 books including 『Taegeukdosul(太極圖說)』 of the Harvard-Yenching Library
- Bibliographic survey on 109 titles 699 books including Korean old book 『Changjinjip(瘡疹集)』 held by Zhejiang University of China
- Bibliographic survey on 35 titles 147 books including Korean old book 『Gasayujip(歌詞類輯)』 held by Zhejiang University of China
- Digitization of 47 titles 224 books 15,481 pages including 『Biyobohae(備要補解)』held by the National Taiwan Library
- Digitization of 26 titles 79 books 7,082 pages including 『Hangyemanrok(閑溪謾錄)』 of the Harvard-Yenching Library
2018 |
China France |
- Zhejiang Library of China. Bibliographic research on 113 titles 431 volumes (『삼운성휘(三韻聲彙)』, ect.)
- National Library of China. Bibliographic research on 119 titles 504 volumes (『이계산고(耳溪散稿)』, ect.)
- Musee national des arts asiatiques-Guimet. Bibliographic research on 118 titles 277 volumes (『장주첩(掌珠帖)』, ect.)
- National Library of China. Digitization of 28 titles 125 volumes 8,001 pages (『국호필화(菊壺筆話)』, ect.)
- Publication of the Investigation Report on Overseas Korean Rare Books VI 『Korean Rare Books in the Bibliotheque Nationale de France』
2017 |
China UK |
- National Library of China, Bibliographic research of 112 titles, 647 volumes (『정리의궤(整理儀軌)』, etc.)
- Liaoning Provincial Library, Bibliographic research of 80 titles, 120 volumes (『동국이상국집(東國李相國集)』, etc.)
- The British Library, Digitization of 46 titles, 180 volumes, 16,621 pages (『번역명의집(飜譯名義集)』, etc.)
- Publication of Investigation Report of Overseas Korean Rare Books Ⅴ 『Bryn Mawr College and the Helen Chapin Korean Book Collection』
2016 |
France USA |
- Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Bibliographic research of 137 titles, 316 volumes (『정리의궤』, etc.)
- The Claremont College, Digitization of 13 titles, 41 volumes, 5,350 pages (『신증동국여지승람』, etc.)
2015 |
China USA |
- National Library of China, Bibliographic research of 74 titles, 386 volumes (『익재난고』, etc.)
- Columbia University Library, Digitization of 14 titles, 14 volumes, 2,220 pages (Old map, etc.)
- Publication of Investigation Report of Overseas Korean Rare Books Ⅲ 『Korean Rare Books in the Princeton University Library』
- Publication of Investigation Report of Overseas Korean Rare Books Ⅳ 『The Min Family Correspondence Collection at the University of Toronto』
2014 |
USA Japan |
- University of Hawaii,U.S.. Digitization of 329 titles, 1,354 volumes, 6,770 pages,『향례합편』
- The Claremont College, U.S.. Bibliographic research of 126 titles, 806 volumes,『신증동국여지승람』
- Ryukoku University, Japan. Photographic facsimile reproduction 1 item,『혼일강리역대국도지도』
- Publication of Investigation Report of Overseas Korean Rare Books II 『Korean Rare Books in Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa』
- Agreement on Digitization of Korean Rare Books in Columbia University, U.S.
2013 |
USA Canada |
- Russian State Library's Korean old collection digitalization,「삼강행실충신도(三綱行實忠臣圖)」etc. 82 volumes 6,329 images
- Harvard-Yenching Library's Korean old collection digitalization,「예조입안(禮曹立案)」etc. 324 volumes 43,432 images
- Toronto University's Korean old collection digitalization,「여흥민씨문중 간찰」etc. 287 volumes 850 images
2012 |
Russia France |
- Copy of Harvard-Yenching Library on Korean old collection's microfilm :
- 『璿源續譜』etc. family tree 142 titles 1,051 volumes
- Survey of ancient Korean volumes in Toronto University
- survey materials : old collection 「完山三世稿」etc. 99 titles 309 volumes
- old document 「簡札」 around 300 items
- Cooperation with Russia National Library on Korean old collection's digitization
- Publication of 『Achievements and tasks of collecting Korean old books in foreign countries 1』 :
- (Le) fonds ancien coréen du collège de France
2011 |
France USA |
- Collège de France Korean old collection's digitization 「海東諸國記」 etc.
- Collège de France Korean old collection's digitization 「海東諸國記」 etc. 11 titles 16 volumes(2,450 images)
- Yale University Korean old collection's digitization 「祿俸證書」 etc.
- Yale University Korean old collection's digitization 「祿俸證書」 etc. 153 volumes(16,386images)
- Survey of ancient Korean volumes in Hawaii University East Asian Library, Princeton University, Bryn Mawr College
- Publication of 『Achievements and tasks of collecting Korean old books in foreign countries』(revised edition)
2010 |
USA France |
- Harvard-Yenching Library 『止庵遺稿』 etc. 31 titles 246 volumes (digital files: 23,734 images)
- Columbia University Library 『經史集說』 etc. 35titles 73 volumes (digital files: 9,142 images)
- Collège de France Library 자료조사 『國朝寶鑑』 etc. 52 titles 418 volumes )
2009 |
- Harvard-Yenching Library 『止庵遺稿』 etc. 77 titles 296 volumes (digital files: 40,920 images)
- Columbia University Library 『雷淵集』 etc. 2 titles 22 volumes (digital files: 3,630 images)
- Cooperation with British Library on Korean old collection’s digitization (July, 2009)
- Publication of 『Achievements and tasks of collecting Korean old books in foreign countries』
2008 |
- Cooperation agreement with Library of Congress
- Harvard-Yenching Library 『Hohaesicho』etc.
- Harvard-Yenching Library 『Hohaesicho』 etc. 297 titles 347 volumes (44,081 images)
- Library of Congress 『Garye』etc.
- Library of Congress 『Garye』 etc. 84 titles 313 volumes (48,592 images)
- Survey of ancient Korean volumes in Russian State Library, 40 titles 93 volumes
- Cooperation agreement with Columbia University Library
2007 |
- Harvard-Yenching Library 『Saryejeolyo』 etc. 77 titles 84 volumes (9,471 images)
2006 |
- Review of Library of Congress and Cooperation Agreement Act
2005 |
China |
- 國家圖書館『Osansego』etc. 43 titles 205 volumes (MF 48 rolls)
2004 |
Japan |
- 宮內廳書陵部『Hangukinsae』 etc. 59 titles 205 volumes (MF 28 rolls)
2003 |
Japan |
- 宮內廳書陵部『東萊先生十九史詳節』 etc. 140 titles 379 volumes (MF 33 rolls)
2002 |
France |
- Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales『文選』etc. 505 titles 1,192 volumes (MF 145 rolls)
2001 |
Japan |
- 公文書館(內閣文庫)『三國志』 etc. 5 titles 109 volumes (MF 13 rolls)
2000 |
Japan |
- 京都大學 河合文庫『禮記臆』 etc. 184 titles 411 volumes (MF 41 rolls)
1999 |
Japan |
- 蓬左文庫 『三峰先生集』etc. 26 titles 361 volumes (MF 52 rolls)
1998 |
Japan |
- 宮內廳書陵部 『醫方集略』etc. 5 titles 269 volumes (MF 41 rolls)
1997 |
Japan |
- 東北大學附屬圖書館 『三國史記』 etc. 49 titles 88 volumes (MF 15 rolls)
1996 |
China Japan |
- (中國)北京大學『杜工部草堂詩箋』etc. 29 titles 199 volumes (MF 10 rolls)
- 大阪府立中之島圖書館『喪禮備要』etc. 34 titles 269 volumes
- 天理大學『佛祖三經』etc. 100 titles 151 volumes
1995 |
Japan USA |
- UC Berkeley 『錦營錄史』etc. 248 titles 380 volumes (MF 49 rolls)
- 杏雨書屋 『辛卯式年司馬榜目』etc. 18 titles 28 volumes
- 靜嘉堂文庫 『靑海伯世家』etc. 8 titles 16 volumes
- 早稻田大 『必有所濟』etc. 8 titles 31 volumes
- 駒澤大 『北闕重建歌』etc. 9 titles 28 volume
- 靜嘉堂文庫 『三韓紀事』etc. 29 titles 55 volumes
1994 |
Japan |
- 東洋文庫 『嶠省勝覽』etc. 8 titles 89 volumes
- 岩瀨文庫 『桑韓往復書牘』etc. 26 titles 65 volumes
- 大谷大學『辨正論』etc. 7 titles 38 volumes
- 靜嘉堂文庫 『嘉覽襍聚』etc. 37 titles 88 volumes
1993 |
Japan |
- 東洋文庫 『朴定齋日記』etc. 46 titles 108 volumes
- 杏雨書屋(三木榮文庫)『胎産要錄』etc. 13 titles 19 volumes
- 龍谷大『最上大乘金剛大敎寶王經』etc. 15 titles 55 volumes
- 東京大總合圖書館 『東史合編綱目』etc. 1 title 33 volumes
1992 |
Japan |
- 學習院大學圖書館 『戶籍大帳』etc. 45 titles 48 volumes
1991 |
Japan |
- 東京大學阿川文庫『三國史略』etc. 42 titles 72 volumes
- 東洋文庫 『書經疾書』etc. 40 titles 78 volumes
- 天理大今西龍文庫『賡進帖』etc. 179 titles 326 volumes
1990 |
Japan |
- 學習院大學圖書館 『戶籍大帳』etc. 45 titles 48 volumes
1989 |
Japan |
- 東京大學阿川文庫『鄭文翼公遺稿』etc. 18 titles 51 volumes
- 蓬左文庫『聽訟提綱』etc. 27 titles 77 volumes
1988 |
Japan |
- 靜嘉堂文庫『溪上雜錄』etc. 28 titles 270 volumes (MF)
- 尊敬閣 『標題音註東國史略』etc. 16 titles 110 volumes
- 內閣文庫 『歷代世年歌』etc. 21 titles 220 volumes
1987 |
Japan |
- 大阪府立中之島圖書館 『西湖古事』etc. 91 titles 230 volumes
1982 |
France |
- Bibliotheque Nationale de France 89 volumes (MF)
Ecole des Langues Orientales 160 volumes (MF)