
To provide Korea-related materials to overseas research institutions associated with Korean studies, to colleges and universities with Korean language majors, and to leading national and public libraries

To promote and improve understanding of Korea and Korean studies overseas

Support to Institution Related to Korean Studies

Target institution

Korean studies research institutions, academic-cultural groups related to Korean studies

College libraries with Korean studies lectures or Korean language majors

Overseas national and public libraries with Asian collections

Scope of Materials

Korean-related monograph, Government publication, Korean Learning Materials, Literature, etc.

Serial Publications published in Korea (applicants only).

Support Process

(partners) Send application → (NLK) Approval of the application → (partners) Reply to the Materials Demand survey → (NLK) Shipping materials

- All processes are proceeded by email

- If some materials are insufficient, shipping materials will be determined considering relationship with partners and date of return to demand survey

How to Apply

Overseas institutions related to Korean studies may apply for support at any time

Download Application Form

Submit application [attachment]: exchange@korea.kr

Contact Us

Collection Development Division

E-mail: exchange@korea.kr
