Terms of Use
INKSLIB User Agreement
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1. Purpose
This Agreement is to define the terms and conditions regarding the use of information services that the National Library of Korea (hereinafter “the NLK”) provides through the International Network for Korean Studies Librarians (hereinafter “INKSLIB” or “the website”). It also defines the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the INKSLIB and its registered users as well as other related issues.
Article 2. Definitions of terms
- ① The definitions of the terms used in this Agreement are as the following.
- 1. “The INKSLIB operator” refers to the National Library of Korea.
- 2."Registered users" refer to individuals who agree to this Agreement and supply to us their personally identifiable information to register with the website to use the data and services provided on the website.
- 3."Registration" refers to the act of completing and submitting the user registration form that is available on the website.
- 4. "Approval" refers to receiving email confirmation from the INKSLIB that your request for user registration has been approved.
- 5. "Deferment" refers to receiving email notification from the INKSLIB that the approval on your request for user registration has been deferred due to obscurity in your submitted information.
- 6. "Non-approval" refers to receiving email notification from the INKSLIB that your request for user registration has been declined due to your failure to meet stated requirements for user registration.
- 7."ID" refers to a string of characters made from a combination of English alphabets and numerical figures (6-12 characters long) that you choose and the INKSLIB approves to identify you from other registered users on our website.
- 8. "Password" refers to a string of characters made from a combination of English alphabets and numerical figures (4-12 characters long) that you choose for user authentication.
- 9. “Withdrawal” refers to the act of terminating this Agreement and discontinuing the use of our service.
- ② Those terms that are not defined in Section ① but used in this Agreement shall follow other applicable law and general practices.
Article 3. Effect and revision of the Agreement
- ① This Agreement may be subject to change to the extent permitted by applicable law if there are reasonable causes such as addition of new services for registered users. The revised Agreement will take effect upon notification on the website in accordance with a due procedure.
- ② You are responsible to visit the website and check any revisions to the Agreement on a regular basis. The INKSLIB shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage arising from your failure to check any changes to the Agreement notified through this website.
- ③ Users who do not agree with any revised Agreement may withdraw from user registration.
Article 4. Other
Those that are not included in this Agreement shall be subject to the Framework Act on Telecommunications, Telecommunication Business Act, Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and other relevant laws.
Chapter 2. Establishment and termination of the Agreement
Article 5. Establishment of the User Agreement>
- ① User registration is completed upon receipt of an approval email from the INKSLIB for your application.
- ② Your express agreement to the User Agreement will be confirmed by clicking “I Agree” displayed on the user registration page on the website.
Article 6. Subscription to and withdrawal from user registration
- ① User registration will be completed when the INKSLIB approves the user registration form that you completed and submitted.
- ② You are allowed to use our service only when you submit your personal information. Anyone who impersonate any person or entity or submit false information to register with our website will be denied from any rights in regard to our service and may be subject to legal consequences.
- ③ The status of registered user may be withdrawn in following cases.
- 1. Providing false information to register with the website or to update personal information
- 2. Dual registration by a single user using two different email addresses
- 3. Using the email address, ID or password of another person
- 4. Unauthorized change or deletion of the content on the INKSLIB website
- 5. Purposefully interrupting or harming the NLK’s services, such as hacking the NLK server
- 6. Infringing the intellectual property rights, including copyrights, of the NLK, the INKSLIB and/or other third parties
- 7. Defaming or interrupting the business of the NLK, the INKSLIB and/or other third parties
- 8. Publishing indecent/violent posts, videos, sounds, and/or other inappropriate content on the INKSLIB site
- 9. Planning and/or using our service for the purpose of harming the interest of the state and/or society
- 10. Disseminating false information using the INKSLIB website
- 11. Being involved in criminal activities
- 12. Infringing the User Agreement and/or related laws
- ④ Registered users who want to terminate the User Agreement should withdraw from user registration.
- ⑤ The posts and/or information provided by registered users will be preserved or destroyed after being retained for a certain period in accordance with NLK policies. Those reposted by others or those registered for the purpose of sharing or notification on online bulletin boards, communities, and/or cafes will not be deleted. In that case, the concerned user should delete those posts before withdrawing from user registration.
Article 7. ID assignment and change
- ① The INKSLIB assigns IDs to its users in accordance with its terms and conditions.
- ② In principle, your ID cannot be changed. If you want to change the ID, you need to withdraw from user registration and join it again with a newly chosen ID.
- ③ The ID that is withdrawn will be permanently banned.
- ④ As to an incorrect or unreasonable ID, the INKSLIB administrator has the authority to change it. A prior notice may be given to the corresponding user, if necessary.
- ⑤ It is your responsibility to keep your ID and password confidential. The INKSLIB shall not be liable to you for any loss in the use of the service or any illegal use of your ID and password by a third party arising from your mismanagement of ID and password.
Article 8. Approval and restriction of the use of service
- ① The INKSLIB will approve requests for user registration in the order of receipt unless there are administrative or technical problems.
- ② The INKSLIB may defer or reject requests for user registration for those who are not applicable to following categories.
- 1. Those who are in charge of affairs related to Korean Studies and/or Korea in overseas libraries
- 2. Those at domestic libraries who are in charge of affairs related to support for overseas Korean Studies
- 3. Domestic and overseas researchers in Korean Studies
- 4. Those approved by the Chief Executive of the National Library of Korea
- ② The INKSLIB may defer or reject requests for user registration if the submitted form fails to meet the INKSLIB’s requirements.
- ③ As to the following cases, the INKSLIB may defer approval until the corresponding problem is solved.
- 1. Insufficient facility capacity to run the website
- 2. Technical problems related to the website
- 3. The library’s internal problems
- ④ The validity of your ID and password is semi-permanent and will be deleted from the system upon your withdrawal from user registration.
Article 9. Protection and use of personal information
- ① The INKSLIB protects its registered users’ information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.
- ② Only you are allowed to access, modify, or delete your personal information. It is your responsibility to keep your personal information including password confidential. If you found that your ID/password are misused by another person, you need to immediately report it to the website administrator. It is your liability to any problem arising from failure to report.
- ③ The INKSLIB shall not disclose or distribute to a third party the personal information of its registered users obtained for the purpose of providing the service without express consent of users. However, personal information may be provided to a third party within the limits of the law.
- 1. Requests from law enforcement agencies or other government organizations
- 2. When it is necessary for the purpose of protecting personal information, such as investigating illegal activities including the violation of the User Agreement and/or other relevant laws
- 3. When it is ordered by law
Chapter 3. Use of service
Article 10. Provision of service
- ① The INKSLIB will start providing its service as soon as your request for user registration is approved. There may be some services that will be provided from a date specified by the INKSLIB.
- ② Unless there are administrative or technical problems, the online service (the website) will be provided around the clock. However, the service may be suspended with a prior notice on the website for regular maintenance or other facility-related matters.
- ③ The INKSLIB may suspend part or all of its service without a prior notice in the case of unforeseen needs or circumstances such as emergency system maintenance, system failure, system overload, national emergencies, and power failure.
- ④ The INKSLIB may suspend part or all of its services with a prior notice to registered users when necessary for the operation of service such as service renewal.
Chapter 11. Change of service
- ① The INKSLIB may change part or all of its service for operational or technical needs.
- ② When changes are made as to content, methods of use, and/or service hours, the INKSLIB shall display a notice informing the details of change for minimum seven days before such change takes effect.
- ③ Based on its operational needs or policy, the INKSLIB may modify or discontinue part or all of its free service with a prior notice. The INKSLIB shall not be liable for any compensation for such modification or discontinuance of service.
Article 12. Post management
- ① The INKSLIB shall not be liable to any damage or problem arisen to other users due to your posts.
- ② The INKSLIB may suspend, modify, delete, relocate, or reject any post without seeking your consent in following cases.
- 1. Posts that infringe the User Agreement, have commercial purposes, or are illegal or indecent
- 2. Posts that defame other users or third parties
- 3. Posts that disturb the public order or are considered an offense against public morals
- 4. Posts that encourage illegal copying of copyrighted materials or hacking
- 5. Commercial advertisements
- 6. Posts that have been confirmed to be linked to criminal activities
- 7. Posts that violate the rights including copyrights of other users or third parties
- 8. Other illegal content
- ③ The INKSLIB has the authority to suspend (discontinuance of transmission) a post upon a request from a third party for the discontinuance of the post on the grounds of defamation, copyright violation, or other claims. The INKSLIB will implement the decision made between the two parties, a court ruling, or other legitimate decision upon receipt of such decision.
- ④ The writer of the suspended post may request the INKSLIB to restore the post (resumption of transmission). If the writer does not make a request for the restoration of the post within three months from the date of the start of suspension, the INKSLIB may permanently delete the content from its system.
Article 13. Copyrights of posts
- ① The INKSLIB holds the copyrights and intellectual property rights for its service.
- ② Registered users hold the copyrights for their own posts on the website. However, the INKSLIB may use your posts without your express consent to the extent that constitutes fair use defined by the Copyright Act for the purpose of the operation, demonstration, transmission, dissemination, and promotion of its service.
- 1. Copying, modification, demonstration, transmission, and dissemination of users’ posts within the limits of the INKSLIB service, or editing without harming the intrinsic nature of original posts
- 2. Provision, demonstration, or promotion of users’ posts to public/private organizations, portal sites, TV/radio broadcasters, and ICT enterprises
- ③ In order to use registered users’ posts for purposes other than those described in Clause ② of Article 13, the library shall obtain express consent from corresponding registered users. Users may request the website administrator at all times to delete, exclude from search, or not publicize their posts.
- ④ It is your sole responsibility for civil or criminal liabilities arising from your posts for copyright infringement.
Article 14. Restriction to the use of service
- ① Registered users may be restricted in the use of service or expelled from user registration if violating Article 17 of this Agreement or applicable to any of the following cases.
- 1. Provision of false personal information; impersonation of any person; or trading IDs
- 2. Disseminating content through online or offline methods that disrupts the public order, constitutes an offense against public morals, or violates the privacy of others
- 3. Harassing or blackmailing other users to cause prolonged sufferings to them
- 4. Modifying the service that the library offers without permission, hacking the server, or changing part or all of the website or information on the website
- 5. Unauthorized copying of the information obtained through the service for purposes other than the use of service, using such information for publishing or broadcasting, or providing it to a third party
- 6. Disrupting the normal operation of service such as misrepresenting the library or purposefully interrupting the service
- 7. Correction orders from relevant public organizations including the Korea Communications Standards Commission
- 8. Violating the regulations of the INKSLIB and the library including the User Agreement and other relevant laws or when there are substantial reasons to believe that they are linked to criminal activities
- ② As to an imposed restriction to the use of service, the corresponding user may file an objection to the decision in accordance with the procedure defined by the INKSLIB and the operator of the INKSLIB. If the objection is ruled fair, the use of service shall be immediately resumed.
Chapter 4. Obligations and responsibilities of each party
Article 15. Obligations of the INKSLIB
- ① The INKSLIB shall allow you to use the service on the date that you hope to start using the service.
- ② The INKSLIB shall fix any system-related problems such as system failure without delay, unless there are legitimate reasons for being unable to do so, in order to provide a continuous and stable service.
- ③ The INKSLIB shall have in place a security system to ensure the protection of personal information of registered users. The INKSLIB shall display and abide by its privacy protection policy.
- ④ The INKSLIB shall address any complaint from registered users without delay in compliance with a due process. If the complaint cannot be handled immediately, the INKSLIB shall notify the corresponding user of the reason for the delay and a schedule for the deliberation of the complaint.
- ⑤ The INKSLIB shall not be liable for any problem arising from your mistakes regarding the use of service.
Article 16. Obligations of registered users
- ① You shall provide accurate information when applying for user registration or changing your personal information. In any case using false information or impersonating any person, you will be denied from all of your rights regarding the use of service.
- ② You shall abide by relevant laws, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the library’s guidelines and notifications for users. You shall not conduct any activity that may disrupt the business of the library, harm the reputation of the library, or interrupt the activities of other registered users.
- ③ You shall not allow any third party to use your ID and password. Any change in matters related to the User Agreement shall be immediately reported to the library.
- ④ You shall not carry out any commercial activity using the INKSLIB’s service without a prior consent from the INKSLIB. The INKSLIB and its operator shall not be responsible for the consequences of such activity. If such commercial activity cause any loss or harm on the part of the operator of the INKSLIB, you shall be liable to compensate the INKSLIB operator for the loss or harm. The INKSLIB operator may restrict you from using the service and make a claim against you for compensation following a legitimate process.
- ⑤ You shall not transfer to others your user registration status granted in accordance with the User Agreement without a written consent of the INKSLIB and shall not use it as a collateral.
- ⑥ You shall not copy, reproduce, modify, translate, publish, or use in any other method the information obtained by using the service or offer such information to others without a prior approval of the INKSLIB.
- ⑦ You shall not violate the rights including intellectual property rights of the INKSLIB and related third parties and shall not engage in any of the following activities.
- 1. Impersonating any person
- 2. Using the service for illegitimate causes or other purposes related to criminal activities
- 3. Disrupting the public order or offending public morals
- 4. Defaming others
- 5. Violating any person’s rights including intellectual property rights
- 6. Hacking the server or disseminating computer viruses
- 7. Sending unsolicited information such as promotional content to others
- 8. Other activities that may disrupt the stable operation of the service
Chapter 5. Compensation and other issues
Article 17. Compensation
Both the INKSLIB and registered users are liable for compensation to each other as to any loss or damage inflicted to the other due to their gross negligence or willful misconducts.
Article 18. Indemnification
- ① The INKSLIB shall not be liable for any failure of the delivery of service due to causes beyond its reasonable control including but not limited to acts of God, war, and the discontinuance of service by the network service provider.
- ② The INKSLIB shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from unavoidable causes including repair, replacement, regular maintenance, and construction of service facility and equipment.
- ③ The INKSLIB shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred from errors on your computer or your submission to us of incorrect information.
- ④ The INKSLIB shall not be liable for your failure to obtain expected results from using the service, any loss of such results, or any damage arising from the data obtained from using the service.
- ⑤ The INKSLIB shall not be liable for the reliability and accuracy of the information, data, or facts posted by other users on the website, shall not be obliged to mediate any conflict in regard to the service between registered users or between a registered user and a third party, and shall not be liable for any compensation in that regard.
- ⑥ The INKSLIB shall not be obliged to examine the content of potential posts that users may want to publish on the website and shall not be liable for related consequences.
Article 20. Jurisdiction
The Seoul Central District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute under or in connection with this Agreement.
Supplementary Clauses
- 1. This Agreement shall take effect on September 1, 2009.
- I agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
- Collection and use of personal information
- Items collected in regard to personal information
- 2. The INKSLIB tries to limit its collection of personal information in regard to user registration to a minimum level. The information collected consists of two types: essential information that is needed to provide basic services such as user registration; and optional information to provide more customized services to individual users.
- [Essential information] ID, Password, English Name, Gender, Country, Nationality is Korea?, Institution, Division, E-mail, Address, Tel., Fax
- [Optional information] Korean Name, Job Title
- whether or not wanting to receive The Trends in Overseas Korean Studies Libraries, whether or not wanting to disclose your email address, the percentage of Korean Studies-related work in your work
- * Optional information does not affect the use of service. We do not collect any information regarding race, beliefs, criminal record, and medical history.
- 3. The following information may be automatically generated and collected while you are using the service: IP address, cookies, visit date and time, service use history, improper use records.
Purposes of the collection and use of personal information
- A. Activities related to service provision
- - Provision of information service to registered users
- B. User registration management
- Personal information is needed for user registration/identification, confirmation of your intention to join user registration, identification of legal representatives, record-keeping for the purpose of conflict mediation, response to user complaints, and delivery of notifications.
The period of retention and use of personal information
Personal information will be retained and used for the period(semi-permanent) agreed by you when you submit the user registration application form and will be destroyed without delay once the goal of collection and use of personal information is achieved. Your information will be destroyed immediately upon your withdrawal from user registration.
Rights of registered users
- A. Registered users shall have the following rights in relation to the processing of their personal information.
- - You have the right to check the processing of your personal information and request permission to access (including a copy of) the information.
- - You have the right to request discontinuance of the processing of, correction, deletion, or destroying of your information.
- -You have the right to be redeemed from any damage arising from the processing of your personal information in a prompt and fair manner.
- B. For details on how to exercise your rights, see the Personal Information Processing Policy on our website. The INKSLIB strives to protect the rights of users.
The right to disagree and disadvantages arising from disagreement
- You have the right to disagree to our collection and use of your personal information. If you disagree, you will not be approved for your user registration.
- I agree to the Collection and Use of Personal Information as described above.
Commissioning of personal information processing
- The INKSLIB commissions the processing of personal information of registered users to the following company to provide higher-quality services: Daumsoft Inc.
- Commissioned work: operation of the INKSLIB website
The right to disagree and disadvantages arising from disagreement
- You have the right to disagree to our commissioning of personal information processing of registered users. If you disagree, you will not be approved for your user registration.
- I agree to the Collection and Use of Sensitive Information as described above.