/ 한국 NLK holds an exhibition of donated old books
  • Department International Cooperation and PR Team
  • Registration Date 2022-06-28
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NLK holds an exhibition of donated old books

“While it is my filial duty to take care of them as family treasures, I realized that as time goes by, it gets increasingly harder to preserve them in proper condition.” – Donor Kim Jong-sang

“I believe that both personally and for our clan, the best thing we could do for our ancestors was to donate these materials so that they can be used by a wider public.” – Donor Ryu Ki-min

The National Library of Korea (Chief Executive Suh Hye Ran) will host Donation, a Small Step Forward, an exhibition of donated old books being held from April 12, 2022 to March 31, 2023 in its Old and Rare Collection Room. Every year since 2019, the library has exhibited books donated in the previous year as an expression of gratitude to the donors. This year the library has selected 22 donors from preceding year. Among the 284 titles and 533 books that they donated, the library chose standout books from each donor and collected some stories related to them.

Among the donors were Cho Byeong-guk, who donated family treasures that his father had wrapped carefully in a cloth and carried with him as a refugee during the Korean War. Another donor, Lee Yong-bok, was following the example of his father who had donated old books to the NLK in 1974.

The exhibition is accompanied by a video clip introducing the donors and donated items, and is complemented with interactive devices and a photo zone.

Reservations are required to view the exhibition in person, but it can also be explored on the library’s YouTube channel. The bibliographic information for the donated books can be found on the NLK website.

On April 25, the donors were invited to a ceremony at which certificates of donation were awarded and a plate inscribed with the names of the donors was unveiled.

“We hope this exhibition raises awareness of the importance of donating old books and documents,” said an NLK official in charge of old and rare book donations.

Photo. Duyulcheonjihapbu, a book of verses by Du Fu, a Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty

Next to the title, the owner wrote “Take good care of this book.”


